CCRC Woody and Elaine Cornwell Volunteer of the Year Award Program

1.   Be a current member of the CCRC at the time of any event for which points are awarded.

(Points will not be awarded for any event prior to active membership)

2.   Points are awarded for the following:

a)  Serve as a Race Director for a CCRC Race or Club Managed Race

b) Serve as a Race Coordinator (Finish Line, Registration, Results, or other area of race responsibility) shadow a Race Director as a Director in Training

c)  Serve as a Race Volunteer – (includes all races managed by CCRC, St. Paddy Race,

CCRC 10 Miler, or High School/Middle School Cross Country Meets involving CRC)

d)  Volunteer for the Adopt-A-Mile Program

3.   Any races or events added during the year will be considered for volunteer points

4.   Sign in or submit name to CCRC coordinator for any race or event awarding volunteer


5.   The VOY program coordinator nor club president are eligible for theVolunteer of the Year


6.   Volunteer of the Year Awards will be announced at the annual CCRC banquet and will be

presented to the following individuals:

Volunteer of the Year (Overall Highest Point Total)

Honored Volunteers (2nd-5th Place Point Totals)

Recognized Volunteers (6th -10th Place Point Totals)


Current VOY standings are located on the CCRC web site.  Questions or verification of points awarded for specific events should be directed to the VOY coordinator through e-mail at [email protected]   or call (706) 876-4505.

Volunteer Points System

Race Director or Coordinator                         100 Points

Race Coordinator or Race Director Shadow  75 Points

Race Volunteer                                               50 Points

Adopt -A- Mile                                               25 Points