Tuesday & Thursday—Meet at the lower parking lot of the Bradley Wellness Center at 5:30am. The standard distance is about 6-1/2 miles but some of us will tack on a little extra if we’re training for a longer race. The pace is 7-1/2 to 8 minutes and we’ll regroup at mile 4 (Steak & Shake).

Monday, Wednesday, Friday – “The Roosters”—Meet in the Bradley Wellness Center (BWC) lobby at 5:40am on Monday, 5:15am from the upper parking lot of BWC on Wednesday, and from the BWC lobby at 5:40am on Friday. Our distance is usually between 3-6 miles with several different paces in our group covering 7-9 minute miles.

Thursday (last of each month, March-August) – “Ice Cream Run” – Meet at The Sweet Spot in Downtown Dalton at 7:00pm. We run 3-4 miles ending at The Sweet Spot. Stay for a wonderful post-run treat and fellowship to celebrate!

Friday – “The Sunrisers” – Meet at the 1st Presbyterian Church on Tibbs Road at 6am. We run 3 miles at a 10-11:00 minute mile pace. A perfect, casual run to get ready for the weekend!

Saturday – “Haig Mill Run”—Meet at the lower parking lot of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church on Haig Mill Lake Road at 7:00am Saturday mornings for a 4-6 mile out and back. It is an excellent hill workout!

Sunday – “Panera Group Run”—Meet at Panera Bread Parking lot 7:00am Sunday mornings for a 4-5 mile “loop”. This is a great run for everyone as we have people running 7 minute mile pace and beginners or injured runners who run/walk the loop!