Races We Time

A variety of local races contract with the CCRC to time their events (see below). While a majority of local race directors are CCRC members, the CCRC does not officially organize every event we time. However, we do take great pride in offering great services and advice to novice and veteran race directors alike.

For planning purposes, race timing contracts must be submitted three months prior to your event.
The CCRC recommends a minimum of six months to plan an established event and a minimum of one year to plan a first year event to avoid a “break-even” event.

To request a contract/quote & race checklist, please send an email with the subject “race contract request” to [email protected].
Please allow 1-2 weeks for your request to be addressed.


3/1/14 Peter’s Mardi Gras 5K Mike Andersen
3/8/14 Grizzly 5K;10K
3/13/14 St. Patrick’s Day 2 Miler (Dalton, GA) David Sanders
3/15/14 First Methodist Church of Chatsworth
3/22/14 Roswell Himbrey Day
4/12/14 Run for God at the Mill Half Marathon
4/12/14 Rome 5K
4/19/14 RF5KC (Cleveland, TN) Athena Davis
4/26/14 Run for John 5K (Dalton, GA)
5/10/14 Bill Gregory Healthcare Classic 10K/5K/2K (Dalton, GA) Ali Whittier
TBA Coulter Hampton
 5/26/14  Fairmount United Way 5K (Fairmount, GA  Vivkie Spence


6/21/14 Run for God JFest 5K
8/22/14 Run for God Pinky 5K

FALL 2013

9/6/14 Doggie Dash 5K
9/20/14 Bethany Adoption 5K
9/22/14 United Way Super Hero Sprint 1-Miler (Dalton, GA) Andrea Dobbins
9/23/14 Calhoun Unity Run (Calhoun, GA) Vickie Spence
9/27/14 Eton 4 Miler (Eton, GA) Terry Strawser
 10/4/14  FCA Eagle Run
10/18/14 1st National Bank Fall Classic 5K (Chatsworth, GA) David Sanders
 10/27/14  Dalton Red Carpet Half Marathon/5K/2K (Dalton, GA)  David Sanders
11/01/14 Forever Family 5K
11/15/14 Uptown Rhodes 5K (Atlanta)
11/15/14 Santa Dash 5K
11/27/14 Turkey Trail Trot


12/05/14 Silver Bell Sprint (Dalton, GA) Staci Halyak
12/13/14 CCRC 10 Miler (Varnell, GA) David Leatherman